Tom Clements

This profile was last edited April 1st, 2023. More edits are needed to fully update this article. We need to edit this page into the plain language format. We also need to edit the quotes below to include more current ones.

Tom Clements in his own words:

Neurodiversity is just one of many woke-capitalist scams profiting from the postmodern zeitgeist.

‘White privilege’ is being lectured by a bison-sized ignoramus about how your skin color confers Original Sin.

Most Brits would be horrified by how we allow our animals to suffer just to appease Semitic superstitions.

Hinduism and Buddhism both have extremist & fascist vanguards, which is unsurprising given the Aryan substrate of both religions.

People of all stripes can paddle along chummily in their interpersonal relationships. But human consciousness is dualist; we’re just as much individuals as we are part of tribes and, as we all know, tribes are designed by biology to fight

While the grievances of white working-class men, statistically the most disadvantaged group in society, are glossed over, many will be tempted by the blandishments of the far-right groups, for which BLM [Black Lives Matter] are acting as unwitting recruiting sergeants.

Why do so many contemporary Westerners wish to believe in an anti-heroic myth about themselves and their own culture?

Christianity has helped facilitate the West’s greatness. But it’s in part contributed to its ruin.

Islam is illiberalism as a religion. It’s the Bedouin equivalent of fascism in a sense.

I’m not opposed to a Jewish ethnostate per se, but I am opposed to one that continually inveigles the West in foreign wars.

#BlackLivesMatter is another secular pseudo-religion of modernity. If you take the knee, you’re kneeling to a false god.

Anglo-Celts are the indigenous Brits. And, despite intense propagandistic efforts to divest them of any roots, they know who they are deep down.

When chants of ‘hoes need abortions’ ring out at ‘pro-choice’ rallies, you know we’re at a very low ebb civilisationally.

Children of gay parents do frequently speak out, but political correctness often prevents [sic] then from being heard. My belief is that all kids need a mother. It’s the way of nature.

I’m only in favour of Biden insofar as he is the perfect vessel for an inevitable third-way, left-right candidate in 2024 (preferably a smart and beautiful female like Tusli Gabbard, but let’s see!)

Resolutions for 2021 should include…3. reclaiming your mind from the cultural engineers who wish to turn you into half-backed, news-addled moron.

The question is, where do we draw the line between neurodiversity and neuropathology?

As long as inequalities of outcome exist between white and black, regardless of which factors produce those outcomes, we will never hear the end of the “Black Lives Matter” scam.

Thomas Clements is blogger and white nationalist organizer. He has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. Clements does not think of himself as having the “same condition” as his brother who has an autism diagnosis.

He is also a:

  • Racist/”race-realist”
  • White nationalist
  • Perennialist
  • Conspiracy theorist
  • Freelance writer for far-right publications and a few mainstream publications
  • Misogynist incel

Clements promotes white nationalist conspiracy theories in his tweets and blogging. One of these conspiracy theories is the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. That conspiracy theory motivated the deadly attacks on several mosques in Christchurch and a synagogue in Pittsburgh. Clements believes immigration is a Jewish plot to destroy his home country of Great Britain, Ireland, and all of Europe. Clements identifies as an “indigenous Anglo-Celt.”

He believes these things are causing the supposed decline of the “west”:

  • “Postmodernist social justice warriors”
  • Neurodiversity/Disability rights movements
  • Islam
  • Movements for racial justice, such as Black Lives Matter,
  • George Soros
  • LGBTQ people
  • Judaism
  • Globalism
  • “Woke capital”

Clements also promotes aspie supremacism, incel (“involuntary celibate”) ideology, and the perennialist philosophy of Julius Evola, an Italian esoteric fascist. In addition to his antisemitic, racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist, and white nationalist views, Clements promoted his anti-neurodiversity views through blogging and opinion pieces. His writing was in far-right media, The Guardian, and the blog of the National Council on Severe Autism (profile). Clements does not work on autism issues anymore.

Politically, Clements is best described as a third positionist. Third positionism is a syncretic ideology. It combines elements of the right and left. Third positionism is a type of fascist ideology. Other third positionists include Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party. (Note: Clements and Heimbach approach third positionism differently.) Because of his third positionist/syncretic politics, Clements promotes some racist and nationalist social democrats.

Clements does support a few mainstream political leaders, such as members of parliament in Blue Labour (a fusion of British traditionalist politics and social democracy) and Tulsi Gabbard, an emerging “left-right” politician in the United States. Clements also finds political allies in the fascist European New Right as well as the “New Right” publication Counter-Currents.

Recently, his syncretic politics have caused rifts between him and who he called “anti-woke grifters.” For example, James Lindsay, co-author of Cynicial Theories, a book which cites Clements’ ideas about the neurodiversity movement. Clements’ support for basic public health measures and the COVID-19 vaccine have caused him to drift away from many far-right spaces. That is because those far-right spaces are more and more promoting conspiracy theories about public health measures and vaccines.

Clements’ freelance writing fills a niche for far-right publications: an anti-neurodiversity autistic person who will otherwise spread their talking points. Many of these same publications used to publish opinions from neurodiversity activists with far-right, anti- social justice viewpoints.

Clements credits a 2015 Newsweek profile of Jonathan Mitchell (profile) as part of his political development on autism. Mitchell is a misogynist incel, racist, and conspiracy theorist in the autism community. In a 2017 blogpost, Clements credits far right personality and psychologist, Jordan B. Peterson, as inspiration for his expression of far-right political beliefs. In 2018, Clements coined the sarcastic term “autistic darkweb,” a play on Intellectual Darkweb, to refer to the “neuro-realist” movement he promoted.

Neuro-realism was not a coherent ideology. Neuro-realism was a reactionary movement defined by its opposition to the neurodiversity and disability rights movements. This opposition is especially concerned with the aesthetics and demographic make up of the neurodiversity movement, both real and perceived. Neuro-realism thinks that autism identity is threatened by the inclusion of women, people of color, and LGBTQ people in autism identity. This could be through professional diagnosis or self-identification. Most neuro-realists, like Clements, are far-right. No one calls themselves a neuro-realist anymore, but the fear of “replacement” in the autism community is still driving hatred of marginalized autistic people.

In a 2019 article in The Independent, Clements credited far-right personalities Paul Joseph Watson (editor of Alex Jones’ InfoWars), Stefan Molyneux, and Jonathan Bowden with introducing him to the alt right. Clements attempts to distance himself from these figures in the article but he was not distant from either of them when Autism Against Fascism started to monitor him in 2020.

Clements’ main ideological inspiration is probably Jonathan Bowden. In December of 2022, Clements sent us a picture of Bowden wearing a Nazi symbol. We did not respond to his “Yuletide greetings.”

In March of 2023, Clements also sent us several emails detailing some of his activity in Ireland and England. He claims to be affiliated with Patriotic Alternative, a far-right group in the U.K. We are not sure why he sent us this information. We think it was probably an attempt to get us to talk about the pathetic rallies. We did not respond and we do not amplify the reach of fascists.

We do think Clements is probably part of some in-person white nationalist organization in the U.K. He talked about meeting other white nationalists in-person on his Twitter about a year ago.

But, it’s important to know that this does not mean he has any leadership role. Autistic people in white nationalist groups are often denied leadership roles. They are also mocked, bullied, and considered untermenschen by the people they call “brothers” or “comrades.” White nationalist leaders might let autistic people be part of the group, but they don’t respect autistic people as full human beings.

Note: If you are an autistic person who wants to leave white nationalism, talk to a trusted person for support in leaving.

We monitor Clements because Clements spread his white nationalist ideas in the autism community. In the past, he tried pushing the envelope on what was acceptable to say in the autism community. He wanted to make white nationalist ideas more acceptable. He did succeed in some ways, but mostly failed.

Like many autistic people, Clements is not able to hide who he is or what he believes. That means he was not able to manipulate discourses as much as other white nationalists can do. Some autistic people are great at lying, but many are not. This difficulty with lying is part of why non-autistic white nationalists often think autistic white nationalists can’t be leaders.

Towards the end of his autism-focused Twitter account, Clements was more and more “mask-off.” That means he didn’t hide his white nationalist beliefs as much. Also, Clements’ inability to maintain alliances with people in the autism community stopped more damage from being done. While he made some connections to NCSA, he had trouble making more. Part of that may be because NCSA’s president is a Jewish woman, Jill Escher.

Clements does not have any relationship to any online autism community that we know of. This is a good thing.

Clements deleted his old Twitter account and now has a few new ones which focus on his white nationalist beliefs.

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